My goal with this site is to help you navigate the often confusing, misleading, quickly evolving world of "clean beauty". Whether you're a consumer or fellow beauty professional, we don't know what we don't know and I know what it feels like to feel deceived and confused when first learning the importance of all of this. I'm here as a resource, a mentor to help you make the best, most informed decisions for you and your family. 

For me its about these three things:  loving your family, loving your community, and loving your skin–without sacrifice.

Come, learn alongside me.

your Bay Area clean beauty mentor

Hi, I'm Audrey

I just assumed (much like you) that hazardous chemicals wouldn’t be in my personal care products, my everyday life or something I would actively be selling and using in my spa and on my clients. And wow—was I wrong!

When I first began my journey from the corporate world into beauty, I knew nothing about clean beauty...

 Or that Europe has 1400 ingredients banned from use in products because of known or high suspected links to major (and minor) health issues like cancers, hormonal problems (think infertility, PCOS, Endometriosis, migraines and the like), thyroid problems, neurological disorders and autoimmune diseases where the United States only bans 30. 30! This blew my mind and left me in disbelief in the beginning. 

Did you know the last time any major law was passed involving personal care products was in 1938?!

I'd been working in the spa industry for almost 20 years before I started learning about the lack of health-protective regulations in my own industry. It wasn’t until a friend of mine let me try some of her Beautycounter products and I saw that clean, safe products existed and better than that, THEY ACTUALLY WORK! I began a deep dive into product ingredients and labels in a way that I’d never done before, learning what was linked to cancers, hormone disruptors, immunotoxicity, etc., and then slowly began replacing my toxic products  with Beautycounter and other safer lines (when you know better, you do better).  I had a new perspective and expectation to rise to for myself and eventually for my spa and my clients. About 9 months into my clean beauty journey and several hundred dollars of purchasing items for personal uses, I decided to join Beautycounter as an educator. I wanted to be involved with the advocacy of laws that promote safer personal care products for all and I also wanted to be able to get a discount on all the products I was using and have access to offer these items to my friends and spa clients as well. 

Now over 4 years later, what a decision it was! I had no idea that the side hustle learning about clean skincare would turn into our family's literal lifeboat keeping us afloat during a global pandemic. If it weren’t for Beautycounter’s addition we wouldn’t be able to maintain our Bay Area life as we knew it. This passion project allowed us the freedom to make some of the most dreamy life-changing decisions during one of the most uncertain times in history free of financial burden or stress. And this world-changing success story is just one of many. 

I stay because not only is it now a huge portion of my career, but I’m seeing the changes in the industry and government seeing the need for change in just the 4 short years of my involvement.

Now, I recognize that you may not want a full-time career out of this. And that’s okay! There’s an opportunity here and it will rise to meet you at your level of desire and commitment.

let's hop on a discovery call!

Every voice helps us move the needle towards safer laws and safer product creation, and I want us to go down in history for making these changes to the health and safety of every American (and Canadian!) now and their future generations. Not long ago, you picked between having a seatbelt or a radio in your car and because of the action of concerned citizens, seatbelts became law in the US.  Think back to when people in our lifetime didn't think that cigarettes were bad for us (or for pregnant women): they didn't even know that secondhand smoke was bad for us. Now that we know better, we can do better. 

We will help clean up the personal care industry in that exact same way. I’m proud that my daughter gets to see that Mommy being part of the beauty industry is SO much more than looking pretty. It’s about making people feel good in their skin with products that won’t harm them. I’m here to help people look and feel their best from head to toe, without sacrificing their health. 

I have found my purpose in sharing, mentoring, and cultivating community through clean beauty while advocating for real change in the beauty industry. Will you join us?

learn more about joining our team!