Please bear in mind that earnings with Beautycounter may vary significantly, they depend on many factors, and not all consultants will earn money. Relevant factors include each Consultant's time dedicated to selling/mentoring and their unique circumstances. To see more about the earnings and costs of Beautycounter Consultants, please view the 2019 Income Disclosure Statement at . In 2019, the average Beautycounter Consultant earned $2,060 in the US before expenses. In Canada, the typical Consultant earned between $0 and $1,000 excluding income from retail sales of products."

Beautycounter disclaimer

Ok, so the legalese around this website business isn't my forte like the laws around clean beauty. But it's important to note these things to protect your privacy, my privacy and be as transparent as possible so here it goes! As you know, this passion project of mine is near and dear to my heart and I'd gladly this work for free but it IS a for-profit endeavor as it's how I provide for my family. If I link to a product on my site or blog it's safe to assume I am making a small commission if you purchase something. That said, I will never promote a product I don't believe in or not personally using, I think we know each other well enough to know I'm a no-BS gal, right? ;) 

If you need more info that you can't find in all the legalese please reach out to me directly, . Ok, now let's get back to that clean beauty business!